Official website of the Food Fund


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Founding member of the Universal Food Fund

Holder of a DESS in Industrial Pharmacy, Diana BOUAYAD AMINE is also a Doctor in Chronobiology. In addition, she has carried out research on cancer and AIDS.
Today, she is a writer and journalist. She is co-author, with Abdellah AJNAH, of "Panorama of French and European Institutions". She also published "Guide for Health", "Passport for Citizenship" (institutions subject to voting: the President of the Republic, the Commune, the Department, the Region, the Parliament and the European Parliament), "La France" (History, art, culture, traditions, heritage, environment, ecology and climate) and "The skin and its diseases". The book "Passport to Citizenship" was prefaced by 27 scientific and political figures, including the Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Jean-Marie LEHN, the former Minister of Research and President of the Academy of Sciences Hubert CURIEN, the former President of the National League Against Cancer, Henri PUJOL. . .
Books currently being published: "The Shoah", "Racism and Anti-Semitism", "The Government", "The European Union" (Institutions and countries), "The Parliament", "Fiertés de France" (presents personalities who have made or who make France proud), "The Values of the Republic" (Motto, symbols, secularism, rights and duties) and "Passport to Morocco".
She was an editor for the newspapers "L'Hérault du Jour" (La Marseillaise), "Jeudi Tout" and "Midi Libre", and for the magazines Salam and Mosaïque.
She is the founding President of the Citizenship Institute and directed the electronic magazine and the monthly "Le Magazine de la Citoyenneté".
She is a founding member of the World Peace Forum.
She is a founding member of the Universal Food Fund.
She is a painter. She has exhibited several times (Montpellier, Palavas-les-Flots). She created the drawings for her book "Passport to Citizenship".

- Welcome
The Universal Food Fund

- Universal Food Fund Project


- Abdellah AJNAH

Other links

- Official website of Abdellah AJNAH

- Official website of Diana BOUAYAD AMINE

- Official website of the Universal Distinction

- Official website of the Universal Work

- Official website of the Citizenship Institute

- Official website of the Universal Manifesto